
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Disney's Apples to Apples

As far as I'm concerned, mid October is the start of Christmas and the holidays and the holidays mean family time. A great way to take advantage of time together is by playing board games and what could be better when you combine board games with Disney?!
This month, I am recommending the game Apple to Apples, Disney edition. If you're not sure how this game works, allow me to explain. Apples to Apples is a card game. There are red cards and green cards. On the red cards are nouns (person, place, thing, or idea) and the green cards are adjectives. Simple grammar, right? The game must be played with at least three people though four or more is recommended. The object of the game is to gather the green cards. Whoever has the most adjective/green cards by the end of the game, wins.
Each player gets a certain amount of red cards. They are not supposed to let each other view their selections. To start the game, one person becomes the judge and picks up a green card from the pile and lays it down for the other players to see. It is the job of the rest of the players to put down a noun from their hand that they feel best fits the adjective. All red cards should be face down. Once everyone besides the judge puts down a red card, the judge gathers the cards and decides which red card fits the adjective best. Whoever put down that card wins the round and gets to keep the green adjective card.
Here is an example game: the adjective I put down is romantic. Players put down Hercules, Lumiere, Baymax, and Belle. You may be wondering why Baymax is on this list. Well, the game leaves room for silliness and you can always put a card down that purposefully doesn't fit the adjective but is funny to think about in that way, or you can put a card down that is the opposite or to be ironic. In the end, the judge decides and may like you sense of humor or may like that you chose to be straightforward.
Be sure to pick up Disney's Apples to Apples today and spend lots of hours playing with your family!

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